In 2007, we made $730.17 in REBATES. Mostly from Rite Aid (a drug store, used to be called Eckert). Ahhhh. Rebates are tempting. Especially if, after rebate, the item you are eyeballing will be absobloominlutely free . Rebates. Rite Aid cleverly calls them "freebates". Sucker that I am I fall right in line. "Freebate? Sign me up!". I don't buy crap just to get the rebate (she says defensively!). Well, ok, I DID buy the homeopathic flu reducer just 'cuz it was free... But hey - didn't I get the flu the very next week and use it??? Didn't I??? Most of the free crap I get from Rite Aid goes into the Homeless Giveaway pile. Those homeless guys never had such good smelling armpits. February 19, 2008 9:41 PM