I live a USED life. And that is just the way I like it. Just what is a USED LIFE? Well, it’s a life that doesn’t place NEW as a super high priority. It’s a life that values experience, functionality, memory, and use above newness. I realized it today when something BRAND NEW popped into my life unexpectedly. See, we needed a refrigerator. We bought ours right after we bought our house (which, by the way, was a used house, it is now over 100 years old). Our old side by side fridge conked out two months ago and ever since then we have been using a small fridge in our basement apartment, meaning we have to go up and down a flight of stairs every time we want annnything cold (including cream for coffee!). While that is good exercise, it is not all that convenient. So we decided we would buy a new fridge. That required looking at several different places, each several times. Sears, Home Depot, Lowes, Bray and Scarf, H.H. Gr...