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Showing posts from November, 2014

Open Letter to a Classmate

Dear Ed, I have been thinking about you lately.  Maybe it is because of the death of another classmate – the first that I knew about in our cohort.  His death has sparked many new Facebook friend requests from people I grew up with some 40 years ago.  And social media has allowed me to see what is happening in their lives, which I like. And it made me wonder what is happening in YOUR LIFE.  I have searched online for you and can’t find anything. But you know what?  I really think I started pondering your fate last year when I bought a new winter coat.  It’s a Land’s End coat (bought at Sears, how old fashioned of me).  They had a few colors but I was really drawn to the Kelly green one.   When I put it on and pulled up the hood, I looked in the mirror and thought to myself, “I look like Ed!  Just like him waiting for the bus in 9 th grade!”.   My green coat   I am not sure you knew it then, but with you ...