DONE. My teeny tiny “cancer journey” * is finished. Got the stitches out today at the ocular plastic surgeon, have to go back and have a quick follow-up in 4 weeks, but for all intents and purposes my “little ride on the cancer train” * is over. I am hesitant to include this photo, but in the spirit of honesty, here you go. Nurse David captured not only my recently removed stitch area, but also every clogged pore on my face and my very unplucked eyebrows. Here you go, world! And I realize how LUCKY that makes me. Starting out with this form of cancer, basal cell carcinoma, has been a primer for me. It’s the most common type of cancer. It very rarely metastasizes (spreads to other areas). If detected early, it can be removed. I was one of 4 million people in the United States alone to deal with it this year (I was in great company!). (You can learn more about basal cell carcinoma and other skin cancers here:...