This might surprise you. The only thing about it that surprises me is that I am just now willing to admit it publicly: I dislike holidays. Holidays - without the rose colored glasses Now before you go into your, “Susan, Susan, Susan, it is just this year ! You have had a hard year, it’s the first Christmas without your dad, your sister is sick…” spiel, let me clarify that it is NOT just this year. I have disliked holidays most of my adult life I think. It’s just now, after the shitty year I have had, I am ready to talk about it. Holidays are a recipe for sadness. Holidays set people, us, all of us, up to fail. Let’s look at the current holiday – Christmas. Not only are you expected to buy amazing gifts (that fit) for a bazillion people. Not only are you expected to have a Pinterest perfect tree in your perfectly clean living room. Not only are you supposed to bake cookies and cakes and p...