I think we all do it, really, in some form or the other. We search for perfection. Some people dream of a perfect BODY – curves in all the right places and nary a wrinkle. Some people hunt for the perfect mate – someone who fits every idealized fantasy they can imagine. Me – sometimes I catch myself running after the perfect EXPERIENCE… I did it tonight, and when I realized what was happening, I had to laugh. Here’s the deal – perfection doesn’t EXIST. There is no perfect body, no perfect mate, no perfect family, no perfect house, or perfect life. And there is no perfect experience . Have you ever tried to do that – ensure that you will have the perfect experience?? If you can look at it from the outside, from a bird’s eye view, you will see how utterly ridiculous it is. How about this one: trying to make the PERFECT HOLIDAY !! You buy the biggest, fullest Christmas tree. You decorate it with gorgeous o...