Maybe you run. Maybe you journal. Perhaps you meditate or do yoga. Me? I take a photo. More specifically, in 2018 I took a PHOTO OF MY HAND* every day. 2018 was the 5 th year I deliberately took a photo of something every day. In 2014, I photographed the bed I woke up in every morning. In 2015, it was my FEET. 2016 and ’17 were my HAND, and I continued that subject into 2018. I would guess at this point that your reaction might be, “Ummm, why?”. And that is a logical question, a question that I now realize has many answers. But the most honest, seemingly important answer is this: Taking a specific photo every day grounds me. I have one shot at it – I choose the location of my photo based on the most significant event of my day. But hey, days change! What if I commit to my hand photo at 10:00 am, then “something better” comes along in the evening?? Well, that’s life, and it is a good...