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2018 In My Hands

Maybe you run.

Maybe you journal.

Perhaps you meditate or do yoga.

Me?  I take a photo.  More specifically, in 2018 I took a PHOTO OF MY HAND* every day.

2018 was the 5th year I deliberately took a photo of something every day.  In 2014, I photographed the bed I woke up in every morning.  In 2015, it was my FEET.  2016 and ’17 were my HAND, and I continued that subject into 2018.

I would guess at this point that your reaction might be, “Ummm, why?”.  And that is a logical question, a question that I now realize has many answers.  But the most honest, seemingly important answer is this:

Taking a specific photo every day grounds me.  I have one shot at it – I choose the location of my photo based on the most significant event of my day.  But hey, days change!  What if I commit to my hand photo at 10:00 am, then “something better” comes along in the evening??  Well, that’s life, and it is a good lesson for someone like me. **

My brain runs about 2,500 MPH.  I am very, very rarely doing only one thing at a time.  When I cook, I listen to the news and do laundry, too.  When I drive, I sing or tune in to NPR.  When I do SOMETHING, I am almost always doing SOMETHING ELSE, too. 

But when I take my photo a day??  in that moment, those moments, I JUST.  DO.  THAT.  I focus.  I breathe.  I am deliberate.  I am me.

If you know me, you know that I really abhor ENDINGS.  That could be why, out of the 5 years of photos I have taken, only the very first year (2014) has been organized into a video before now (and that took a couple of years after the last bed photo was shot to make!).  But now that I have a zillion photos “in the can”, an ending to the whole shebang is long off, so I figured I could go ahead and do the 2018 video and not have to fear FINISHING the projects!

Looking back through the year of pictures is, to me, amazing.  I can remember so much about where I was and what I did each day, solely by a single photo.  This year, some of the pictures made me cry; 2018 was a sad year and some photos remind me of that.  But some of the photos made me laugh – like the one with the Elvis impersonator whose sold-out (free) show was in he public library of all places… The one making cut out larger than life copies of my sister’s smile…  Or the shot where I can see manatees swimming.

Of course, once they are all organized, the nerdy side of me can also look for statistics in the photos:

·         How many photos were taken on a beach or are water related:  35 (this does not count the 3 days of hand photos taken while looking longingly out a hotel window at a river while I was at a conference I disliked)

·         How many photos are related to a medical setting: 43 (granted, that includes 1 foot massage and 1 body massage, but those are medical, right?)

·         How many photos where I was wearing my wedding or engagement ring:  33 (you can see I don’t slip it on very often!):

·         How many nights I did not sleep in 1 of 2 “my own beds” (the Big Yellow House or the Cottage of Cheese):  142

·         How many photos show my nails polished: 11 (the curse of being a sign language interpreter)

·         How many photos are politically related: 16

·         How many days did I forget to take a hand photo:  2 (that is unusual, I have been doing this for years and always remember, but it was an odd year to say the least)

·         How many photos were related to CULTURE (art, theatre, music…):  89

·         How many states photos were taken in:  19 (and 2 countries)

·         How many times I look at shots of my hands and thought, “Those look like my mother’s hands…”:  countless

But I don’t do this project for statistics.  I do it for ME.  I do it to make art.  To create.  To be present.  To live.

I would suggest that you might want to take up a photo a day yourself, but I think it is pretty apparent from my gushing here that I am a fan and the recommendation goes without saying.  Don’t wait until a new year starts – if 2018 taught me anything it is that new years are not guaranteed. 

A photo a day.  Simple project.  Simple life. 

Profound (for me) impact.

Ready to see it?  I LOVE IT - I hope it inspires and delights you at least a fraction of what it does me.  Here you go:  2018 In My Hands

*I actually take 3 photos of my hand (in the same place) every day, just in case they are blurry.  That means over the course of a year I take at least 1095 photos of my HAND (actually more cuz some days I snap an extra for good measure)

**In 2018, I let myself change subjects one time, January 16th.  We were helping take care of our neighbor as she was dying, and a special moment came up that I knew I had to capture even though I had already taken my hand photo for the day.


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