I got in a big confrontation this week. That in and of itself is a bit of news – I typically do all that I can to avoid them. And I knew this one was coming, had been putting it off for quite some time actually. But the time and the place suddenly appeared and BAM – there it was. And I, as always in those angry, tense, hostile situations, was very uncomfortable. But I did something different for me: I didn’t cry. I didn’t yell. I didn’t get too upset. Mostly I just LISTENED . I know this is how a person is supposed to approach those types of situations, but knowing it and doing it are two different things. Anyway, I listened. Listened as I was berated. As I was blamed. As I was attacked. Yes, sometimes I spoke up. I tried not to get defensive. Tried not to argue. Tried to clearly explain my point of view. The whole experience didn’t end well really. Ma...