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“Gotta find my purpose – gotta find me.”

That’s always been one of my least favorite songs from “Avenue Q”. Just never resonated. Then yesterday, it popped into my head (and won’t leave). I think it is because I kinda sorta realize my PURPOSE. And it aligns so well with David’s. I think it might be why we make such an excellent pair/team.

Let me just say, I don’t think I have ever really believed in “purpose”. Never really thought anyone had a specific mission or goal to accomplish during their limited time on earth. But maybe I was wrong.

Yesterday a man’s car died while at the stop light in front of our house. We were outside working in the yard, and noticed him get out and try to push the car in the direction of a neighbor’s driveway. He was alone, and pushing a car by yourself is tough. So of course, we both ran over to help push and offered our driveway as a landing point.

That’s just what we DO. We don’t think about it. Don’t question it. If someone needs assistance, we HELP. Pushing cars, giving hot coffee, serving popsicles to hot people waiting for buses, offering strangers rides, handing out warm sweaters, housing those who need a bed a few nights, sharing garden produce. None of it is major – none of it will change the world. But it is who we are – what we do. I guess we NOTICE – notice things that could make someone’s life a tiny bit easier.

So no, I don’t think I am going to find a cure for AIDS. And I will never solve some complex math problem that changes the field. And I won’t broker a peace agreement between 2 countries at war.

But I WILL keep doing what I do – making individuals lives that I run into just a tiny bit better – even for the moment. Cuz heck – maybe that is my purpose.


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