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Hold the Champagne

I guess I have always been a feminist.  A feminist in the sense that I believe that all genders are equal. The older I get, the more deeply I believe that, and the less I care about people who judge me for it.

Apparently this is what a feminist looks like while watering the garden
I am also a democrat, and a believer of many of the ideals the democratic party supports: women’s right to choose, gun control, health care as a human right, equal rights for all, etc.

The night before the election at a big rally in Virginia
In the 2016 presidential election I was unabashedly on TEAM HILLARY.  I had a big yard sign.  I sported t-shirts. I watched the debates (and played debate BINGO).  I was all in. 

Ready for GOP Bingo - early on in the campaigning season
Peace, Love, Hillary
(canvasing with my partner 2 days before the election - we knocked on 49 doors and talked to 59 people)
I live in Arlington, VA, very near DC, and on election day, November 8th , I had a job in town.  When work was done I made my way to the White House and stood in front of it in my pantsuit, worn specially for the occasion.  I cried.  I could just feel the energy!!  I knew this was the day – this was it!  Hillary was going to be president.

Pantsuit on, White House ready (I thought...)

Casting my ballot later that evening - more tears.
But these were HOPEFUL tears, tears of CONVICTION and belief
I didn’t know it yet as I stood in the sunshine at the White House, but as the day and night wore on it became more and more apparent that the history I had been so confident would happen was not to be.  Like so many people across the country, I stayed up staring at the TV until the wee hours of the morning.  I bawled.  My mouth hung open in shock and amazement for most of the night.  I could not believe what was happening.

The next morning dawned and I woke up with a puffy face and red eyes.  Obviously, life went on.  It took a few days for it all to sink in.  I did some serious soul searching, and I realized something:

I knew all along that I was not voting for Hillary because she was a woman.  I feel that many people who voted for the other candidate voted for him because he was NOT a woman (i.e. – he was a man…), but I honestly believe that Hillary’s gender was not the defining factor for me when considering for whom to cast my vote.  No.  I voted for Hillary because she was the most qualified candidate, the person who would do the best at the monumental job she was “applying” for. 

But in those days after the election, it hit me.  We have never, ever had a female president.  I mean, obviously I knew that fact, but once Hillary lost, it hit me hard.  We have NEVER elected a woman.  Never

59 other countries have elected a woman to lead them.  The list is long and includes places like India, France, Pakistan, Brazil, and Liberia.  How can all of these countries – 59 of them – have believed more in equality than the United States??  Is that not a bit horrifying to you?

I didn’t realize until after the election how important it is to me to have someone in authority who is like me.  A woman. Every man who voted in the 2016 election, and every man who has ever voted in this country, knows the feeling of having a leader who is in some fundamental way like him.  And every single woman in our country does not know that feeling. 

But I WILL know that feeling.  Someday, the misogyny in our country will be beaten.  A woman will rise to the highest level, and I will likely cry again.    

And when that happens, I will open this bottle of champagne that I bought to celebrate as we watched the 2016 election returns come in.  I haven’t open it yet, didn’t have any reason to.  But today, almost 10 months after the election, I finally made a sign to place on it and tied it on.  I squirreled the bottle away for safe keeping.

This champagne will wait.  But it, and I, will be READY.
And when the day comes that a WOMAN is elected PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, I will open that champagne with such glee.  I will drink and laugh and cry and shout.  And if this election takes years and years and years to come to fruition, and if the champagne has gone off and tastes horrible by then, I will still laugh, and cry, and DRINK IT.  Because there will be reason to celebrate.

And if I do not live to see that beautiful future November day, then you can bet a female relative or friend will have my bottle of champagne in front of them and will open it and make a toast to history and to women.  Because you better believe that even though that champagne was not expensive, it is DEAR, and it will be passed down in my will if need be.  So sisters, friends, niece, great-niece – whoever ends up with this bottle should I not have reason to drink it in my lifetime – do me a favor, make a toast and shed a tear for me on that historic day.


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