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Timing Is Everything

It’s no secret I am not a trump fan.  And it might also be obvious that I am an Obama groupie.

So Tuesday night when I went with my sister to Bunco (a game the ladies in her neighborhood play once a month), I found it quite ironic and sort of hilarious that we ended up seated at a table before the game started to chat with a woman who was going on about her “trump tree” for Christmas!  When we first sat down I thought I must have misunderstood her.  I mean, my right ear is completely plugged up from a cold and she was on my right side…  “Surely it must be a ‘jump tree’ or a ‘bump tree’…” I thought.  But no – she went on.  It turned out she had purchased red, white, and blue trump ornaments to adorn her tree.  Then she put ribbons all around it.  And of course, no mere star would be bright enough to top that beauty off, so gracing the tippy top was a MAGA hat.  Yes, a trump “Make America Great Again” hat was the piece de resistance of her holiday décor!!

I tried not to let my disgust and amusement show on my face (but I was tired, plus I have sort of an expressive face, so I am not sure how well I did at hiding it).  My sister and I looked at each other and exchanged what I hoped was a secret, “What the actual f….” glance and tried not to giggle.  The trump tree woman turned to us and said, “You do like Donald trump, right?”. 

Wellllll – that doesn’t fly with me.  I am past the point in my life of smiling and nodding, thereby making myself complicate in the nonsense and plain evil that is the current administration.  My sister and I both replied, “No,” to the question.  The woman awkwardly turned back to the 4th person at the table and carried on the conversation about how lovely her themed tree is.  Then she proudly added, “I even got my husband some tRUMP SOCKS!!”. 

It was then that I remembered something brilliant – for the first time in 2 weeks or so I was actually wearing my BARACK OBAMA SOCKS!!!!!  So, you know what I had to do.  Why, I pulled up the leg of my skinny jeans right then and there, smiled, and said, “Wow!  Would you look at that?  I am wearing my Barack Obama socks today!!”.  And my sister added proudly, “Yes!  We went to the Obama inauguration!”.

It was a hilarious scene and we giggled about it when we got home later. 

But I hadn’t planned on sharing it here.  It was just a funny little thing that happened at Bunco.

Until the next night.

Our other sister (who has GBM) is doing much worse.  She is nearing the end of her life and we spend much of our time by her side at the hospice, sad and crying at the fact that we are losing her.  Well, Wednesday night her daughter gave me a gift that she found in her mom’s things.  My sister had squirreled it away with a note saying “Susan”, planning to give it to me sometime, maybe for Christmas or my birthday.

And the gift was…


More Obama socks. 

Thanks for the socks, sissy.  I love you.
The irony of it all is beautiful.  I love that she thought of me when she saw the socks.  I love that just last night I “flashed” my other pair of matching socks.  I am sorry that my sister didn’t get the chance to give them to me in person, but I am so thankful to have them.

In fact, I’m so thankful that I don’t think I will ever put my stinky feet in them.  I may hang them as a reminder of a few things:
-          My sister is an amazing gift giver
-          Obama was a rock star of a president
-          I should never be afraid to stand up for what I believe in (even if doing so results in cricket chirps and awkward Bunco moments)


Blue said…
Haha! So lovely!
Susie Evers said…
What amazing timing! Thing happen lime that just when you need some sort of Nettie light when you're feeling so dark!

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